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〈ドキュメンタリー映像 全編9min〉

Bridge brick ruins that supported Japan’s first multi-level crossing station. A large camphor tree in the shrine precincts.
Things that have seen the city’s transition and an ongoing redevelopment project coexist just a six-minute walk away from the station. The apartment house overlooking them looked like a modern castle to me.
Renovation started in which I consider the exclusive part with the roof balcony over 100m2 overlooking the four sides as the tower of the castle, leave an uninspiring Japanese-style room next to the living room, and utilize it as a special room for the landlord “Shogun (General)” of this house. However, the reality is that it is a six-tatami mat Japanese-style room. I exchanged questions and answers about how to increase its intrinsic valueand create opportunities for rethinking Japanese-style rooms.
In order to create an infinite depth and story in a limited space of six tatami mats, I requested four painters, who study at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School majoring in Japanese painting and worked on “Reproduction of the Present Condition of National Treasure Picture Scrolls,” to paint original drawings on a total of four surfaces for the walls and ceiling. A special scan and transfer on the walls was completed in two days. Each of the unique, original drawings and wall surfaces was signed and sealed by the four artists, which gave life to the story. A Japanese-style room that combines craftsmanship and Japanese paintings that were completed with unique Japanese subtlety by using traditional materials such as hemp paper, natural mineral pigments, and gold leaf. And a space in which the rare potential was uniquely interpreted and sublimated through renovation by adding new functionality and beauty of form.
Utilizing the beauty of natural light afforded by the three-way corner dwelling unit, the living space other than the Japanese-style room was made to be an inorganic space like the Chichu Art Museum, and the attractiveness of both spaces was enhanced by contrasting with the gorgeous Japanese-style room. It is nowjust a year before the Tokyo Olympics, so I would like to showcase and share the beauty of Japanese renovation to the world, and leave it for future generations.
Brand | Artctuary🄬 |
Concept | SHOGUN Castle |
所在地 | 福岡県北九州市八幡西区南鷹見町マンション |
住宅ローン控除 | 適用可 |
間取 | 4LDK |
専有面積 | 壁芯97.80㎡ |
ルーフバルコニー | 74.72㎡ |
バルコニー | 29.33㎡ |
築年月 | 平成12年4月 |
構造 | SRC造14階建 |
向き | 南 |
設備 | オートロック/エレベーター/3方角住戸 |
アフターサービス〈弊社でご成約頂いたお客様限定〉 | 5年間瑕疵担保責任/5年間緊急トラブル対応サービス/5年間買取保証 アフターサービス「5年3組」 |
取引形態 | 専属専任媒介 |

岩谷晃太/Kouta Iwatani【令月】
杉本純久/Yoshihisa Sugimoto【ススキ】
中西智美/Tomomi Nakanishi【竹林】
神谷渡海/Tomi Kamiya【孔雀】
岩谷晃太/Kouta Iwatani
雲肌麻紙 岩絵具 金箔
杉本純久/Yoshihisa Sugimoto
土佐麻紙 岩絵具 水干絵具 墨 金箔
中西智美/Tomomi Nakanishi
土佐麻紙 岩絵具 水干絵具 金箔
神谷渡海/Tomi Kamiya
土佐麻紙 岩絵具 水干絵具
- 限定のアートクチュアリ壁画(4面)
- 完全描き下ろし日本画(原画/7点)贈呈
- 芦野石柄フロア
- クロス
- 建具
- システムキッチン(食洗機付)
- ユニットバス(1418/浴乾付)
- トイレ(温水洗浄便座付)
- 洗面台(収納サイドキャビネット付)
- 給湯器(追炊可)
- リビングエアコン